Wednesday, September 22, 2010

"love is a doing word"

Constantly learning. I picked up a book titled love is a verb, I have been saying "love is a verb" or "love is a doing word" for a while now these statements taken from quotes i came across in high school but have never forgotten although those whose text it is I've long forgotten. This book is a collection of stories on various situations that were touched and changed by love, the back of the book reads: "Be Inspired by Lives Changed By Love". I am in a space of learning with each story told. I am realising that some things require us to keep an open mind and to be willing to learn the lessons even after we, ourselves have made the mistakes or are not in the wrong this time. When we choose to love someone, we take a risk and step out in faith of how it all may turn out, love is much like experience in that it too teaches the lessons after one has made the mistakes or taken action. The Book I'm reading is by Gary Chapman, a find i have come to cherish from a sale at a book store.

To say I love you is far easier than to do the actions required to show one fully does and is not merely uttering words in a corner to be left forgotten as time goes by. Loving someone is a process where one first commits their heart to engage and all other things follow, it can be an up or a down hill experience best cohesively joined by the decision of both parties to tackle it together. We journey as individuals yet when we love we are no longer one person but a unit that needs to consider each other's needs within the confines of self. Loves says we should compromise not just one person but both parties involved bound by it. Love is patient and kind and many other things that it comes to find across it's path yet the one thing we forget is that it too can tire once it's stretched to it's limits. 

I say fall in love and be what comes after good or bad is always a blessing for nothing remains in darkness forever,  I found this quote on a friend's fb stat (facebook status update) once and it stuck, it reads: " In Darkness, Light does not follow.. It Leads." - Hue

let's spread love and light and all good things...

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

sms / email/ mxit lingo vs correct usage of words

hello everyone

Today I watched Morning Live on SABC2 just as they were reading viewers emails, phew am I glad they asked the question: why do we go school amd get educated. This was due to an email that contained sms lingo which used words such as dem and de instead of them and the. It is becoming the norm among social networking sites to find  words misspelt or  rather reinvented and even more mind boggling is the growing trend to confuse words that start with the same letter and share the last two letters yet mean totally different things such as live and leave.

I want to say kudos to Vuyo and Lee-Anne for noting the atrociousness of spelling in today's society and prompting the question why then do we need education if we are to massacre existing grammar to such lengths. Some will tell you that there is no school for pronunciation and my question to them is how often do they pick up a dictionary to search for either the spelling or meaning of a word because it is all provided in one, dictionaries even tell u which part of speech or grammar a word is and gives you the words correct tenses, so, why then must we find means to kill existing words.

Yet the most upsetting thing in all of this is the unwillingness of those who misuse diction or misspell words to be corrected by others. I think the assumption lies in being better off or just or something or other and for some I think they lay claim to the notion of being infallible which is a deadly ruse. We are not always right in all we do and there is always room to learn something new each day. When someone corrects either your diction, spelling  or even your grammar it means they wish you to present the best image of self at all times, be grateful for them.

p.s. : Just because someone else's pronunciation of your language is incorrect, does not mean that you should follow suit and do the same, instead it is wiser to lead by example. Someone one said: " Be the change you wish to see in the world."
p.p.s If there are any spelling or grammatical errors please feel free to use your read pen in the commentary box

intombi yakwa nkomo iyabulela
thank you for taking time out to read this blog post

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Ezra Ngcukana: the Gentleman’s Gentleman

Born a Jwarha nicknamed a Pharaoh

musically inclined from birth to rebirth

an aligned star

descendendant of a musical lineage ‘cause

Daddy was one of Cape Town’s Jazz Godfathers

So the musical love affair began

in Langa with the trumpet

as musicians gathered across racial colour lines Sundays

descending on the door steps

of township community centres

jamming the day away

in hours long sessions

jazz then being the culture of the day

so it was thus Jwarha suckled

As musical passions flew

the sojourn continued to flow

in Saxophone blows

and so the love affair bloomed,

maturing from journey to journey

from playing simple tunes in a teen band

to playing with a McCoy Tyner pianist mould,

Roger Kaza,

In Jwarha’s words:

“This was the band that groomed me...”

To joining the Cups Ngcukana Band,

But never fashioning himself a musician

‘cause back then in Cape Town no-one

was a professional musician

So off to Forthare Ezra went

where in ’73 students were expelled

due to Black Consciousness inspired protests

“Mr Natural feel for music”

Added two UNISA Degrees to his name still

Jwarha the Pharaoh was gracious and forbearing

Mentored “Lil’ Giants”

Soft spoken and of affable character

would stop band prac’

just to sing bass lines

for his students to play patiently

in his smart, brilliant

and musically precocious manner

Once nicknamed “Kehla”

for his trumpet playing abilities

Ezra tutored youngins for maths

in the Langa / Gug’s townships

A husband, son and brother

These became:

The Final Notes of a Son of the Soul.