Uhm Ja Nhe... Why we do not go out 101:
Some sights just scream Gall! We were entertained by the sight of two girls dancing on the side of the road by themselves as music played from a car not far from where they were positioned; we thought awesome their just having fun on their own terms.... Until the two young lasses started dancing in the middle of the road in front of the entrance of this local township drinking hole, they were now primarily stopping traffic especially in front of the sexier, sleeker German made model vehicles... to our horror as we watched these two girls clad in weaves and itsy-bitsy skirts in the not so expensive versions of the current fashionista styles, the German made sedan they had gyrated to a halt appeared to have been full of elderly males who seemed perhaps over 40ish, married and highly devoted to his family life and church....
In the haze of this we had stopped there to show someone not from our city the tavern life in the township, the person had just moved to the city...
As our friends arrived to coax us into a night out on the town in the 'burbs, amidst our hellos and joviality... a small green car blazing out music caught our attention and as we turned to look, we soon saw:
a girl in the front seat grind dancing, bumping up and down evocatively whilst looking in the direction of her friends in the back seat who were dancing just as hard. Now by the time the car had approached the front of the drinking hole the girl in the passenger seat's rear clad in an itsy-bitsy skirt was out her window now and gyrating towards the crowd of pub crawlers and then the car halted with the girl opening her door and dancing smack- bang in the middle of the street....
Our jaws dropped to the floor and heads shaking in disbelief at the sight we'd just seen as the shock was settling, the moaning disbelief began....
Wow, how things have changed in night life... Which society are we emulating? I realised how quickly the dynamics of night life had changed with my need not to go out and about and be around town, painting it red. Society has not taken a stand. Where have values gone? Who are we and what will the world be like for our kids if right now in your 20s what you are seeing is the age of girls out at night getting younger and younger with the debauchery getting wilder and wilder, seeing a rise in teen pregnancies and substance abuse... the penny's dropping at lightening speed whilst we still think it's still a million miles from hitting rock bottom fast as it continues to decline and depreciate like wall street stocks on a bad day. We are in a bigger recession, this one is out to kill societal value systems with the words: I'm allowed; you are not the boss of me; I can handle it and the sucker punch: this is how the world is now...
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