Monday, May 28, 2012


When all is said and done some ish is for the birds...

There is just no way to keep up with the rolling times, if all is good and well then things go up in flames but when it's bad it's good. Ok, so maybe i'm talking gibberrish trying to prove that this apple right here is actually purple instead of green .... urgh.
 why must growing pains be so randomly right and how come the lessons have to come at a priceless price nje?
this is just on some other realness God damn...

The misguiding of our social times is proving that my soul is ancient...
Dear God
Please let me know if this is true cause i swear yesterday feels like this eternal forest i once lived in where all is as it seems. This other daily fuckery is just not right.

We are living in a time where we refuse to recognise nor love our neighbours yet we push the biblical ideologies as if we stay true to them on the real. We have forgotten how to live according to natural laws and to respect life itself. When we love it's conditional, we let the rules govern the feelings instead of being moved by the feelings to rule.

I read a book by one of my favourite writers where in the beginning she quotes Charles Dickens in A Tale of Two Cities :  "It is the worst of times. It is the best of times."  
The book was:

"We Are The Ones We've Been Waiting For by Alice Walker

There is wisdom in written and spoken texts, how we word our statements and texts as well as how well we choose to listen, hear and process that which we receive is what sets us apart, it is also that which leads us not into our own journey of self discovery or rather that which moves us forward in it. How we perceive things dictates that which will be in our world... sometimes we are just unwilling to read or listen because we think we already know.  

Albert Einstein once said: "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

visible invisible

sometime i see your souls
even when i dont want to look
I see and feel the darkness in your light
that you don't see
as darkness stepping into light
covered in shadows of dark tremors
gyrating an inch at a time
 to covering the light.
The day sweeps in beckoning
ushering in glory
yet no one hears
the voices scream:
That right there is steeped
In darkness,
it seeks to diminish your light...
Raging seas of battles fought in darkness
who is this that braves to weather the storms
Is that a steady light beaming?
There's a fight brewing
as light continues
 to seek
 to conquer
 to be
even at the seemingly hopelessness
 of engulfing  darkness
she dares to live,
for this awkward battle
driven by hope in trust
even at the very edge
of doom
light illuminates love

Friday, February 10, 2012

Stranger than fiction realities

So we have come or are coming full circle.
The Black man runs away from their calling and White people embrace ubungoma or ubugqirha or shamanism... kanti,what kind of new age fuckery is this? No, not that they embrace our Ancient ways but that we seek to be so far from our true intrinsic selves. We proudly call out our clan names yet all  the truths of who we are and what we know is true is cast away...

Kanti thina singobani na?

Please note I found this picture through the web but it made me think and I wanted to share it with you.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

silently loud

we are bound
by those things which
the eye can not see
yet the soul feels
beyond the measure
of a sea
walk tall bound by faith
wrapped in love
creating eternity
with euphoric swirls
speak volumes
in leaps of silence
curling up wards
in spirals
fetching tales
of truth
through time

Monday, January 9, 2012

inspired by ::Mosaic::

This pic tugged at my heart with its realness and packed a punch thanks to its non- fluff element.
I found it tucked amidst other pictures in a blog I follow by the beautiful Akona Ndungane, she is witty and street smart, sassy and stylish whilst speaking her mind in an ever so graceful manner.

This pic goes back to what truth is: unsolicited by euphemisms

I love how pictures speak volumes but I am still unsure of me as the picture blogging type
but alas I have tried even if the pic' was borrowed. We truly live to learn....
Hopefully I will get better at this...