Saturday, June 25, 2011

the unthought thought always thought

uhm there's a lot of earth departures currently, so much so that i wonder if there is ever a traffic jam that leads to the wrong turn? #justathought

I find that so many things are taking shape and we are caught in between because the unknown is unexplainable... catch22 perhaps...

what do we know for sure and what is it that we so trust beyond the realm of possibilty? how sure are we that what we think does not exist, does not exist at all...

do the dead speak a lingo that's refused and do they know God's whereabouts/

are there so many questions seeking answers yet the ones we find seem like not the naswer at all, what happens then if we have not heard what God is intending upon our life....

there's a battle that's stood the test of time as to which beliefs stand true, this one never ceases to exist. it's greatest answers are found within.

i wish not to delve into an abyss of nothingness yet once again i think to self that surely what one should seek to do is to live the best life intended by the universe through the various paths we choose to walk... each path has choices assigned to it yet one should always weigh up how it would best affect them, can we live with the repercussions of our actions and into which direction they steer us...

living is the hardest thing for experience is it's teacher....

listen to your inner voice that speaks volumes, gut never lies.

Friday, June 10, 2011

uhm may needs to 'fess up as to what happened to her...

 like really No Blog posts in her month...

I have seen and felt so much in the month or so that I have not been blogging, experience is a beautiful pain that stretches you to your limits and back often going beyond what you would think is your reserve tank capacity.

I have been reminded of Thandiswa Mazwai's song where she sings: Are the beautiful ones really dead... yet again as death swooped in and stole yet another friend or two or three. Death is constant, yet it is not what we should concern ourselves with but much rather how we go forth and live each day. None of us are perfect and it is our very imperfections that set us apart in the world.

I was also reminded of the grime that exists in the world and how candidly it sits up right and proper so pronounced for all to see, validating its self importance above the wholesomeness of old. Oh how the world has changed....

I remember once being asked why I would want to have a kid in this world that is radically deteriorating? I thought how absurd and unjust a question it was at the time yet now I'm unsure. There's a lot of darkness in this world while society often sits quietly letting it plunder, leaving the goodness ravaged. How did we get to the point where we have to be scared to walk our streets because the value of a life has depreciated so much so it has become valueless to another life?

Can we gain what we have lost or mend the broken pieces? when do we say enough is enough, my community has a right to feel safe!